If you are looking for films about women in war, women as spies, prisoners and in uniform...you won't find very many.
Just for fun - can you name any movies other than
"G.I. Jane" and "Courage Under Fire"
that featured military women
other than as token background?
What about M*A*S*H
- the movie?Or how about
the 1992 film
"A Few Good Men"
with Demi Moore
as Lt Cmdr. JoAnne Galloway?
2001 - "Pearl Harbor" with Kate Beckinsale as a Navy Nurse.
Photo © Touchstone Pictures
World War II spawned a few poignant black and white films about military women including this one starring Claudette Colbert, Veronica Lake and Paulette Goddard.
"So Proudly We Hail!" image courtesy William Weiland
There was also:For a little bit about military women on television please see TV ignores military women
"Cry Havoc", 1943, with Joan Blondell, Ann Southern and Margaret Sullavan.
"Keep Your Powder Dry", 1944, with Lana Turner, Larraine Day, June Lockhart.
"To the Shores of Tripoli" 1942, with Maureen O'Hara as a 2Lt nurse.
In 1944 Paramount produced a Bing Crosby vehicle starring Betty Hutton in a dual role as WAVE sisters, and introducing Sonny Tufts. About the only thing memorable to come from the movie - "Here Come the WAVES" - was the song "Accent-Chu-Ate the Positive" by Johnny Mercer.
And don't forget the military satire with Cary Grant and Anne Sheridan - "I Was a Male War Bride", 1949, where the military person was Anne Sheridan.
There was an obscure Monogram film called "She's In The Army" - pictured above in the header - with a uniform in pale blue, never worn by any female in the military.
"The Lieutenant Wore Skirts" came out in the '50s and was not exactly a blockbuster either. Also in 1954 "Flight Nurse" with Joan Leslie told the story of nurses flying air evac out of Korea.
1952's "Never Wave at a WAC" with Rosalnd Russell was a fair comedy and interestingly actually featured the real 14th Army (WAC) Band. Many thanks to former band member Sue Dawson for this information.
In 1951 RKO Pathe
produced this special
about women Marines
- in black & white.
Gas mask drill.
In 1986 the TV movie "Women of Valor" appeared, starring Susan Sarandon and Christy McNichol.
It told the story of WWII nurses in the Phillipines who were captured by the Japanese.Another TV movie, "Purple Hearts" featured Cheryl Ladd as a Navy nurse in Vietnam who falls
for Ken Wahl when they meet again after the war.
The first instance of women spies was in the 1918 film "Lest We Forget" - this scene depicts our heroine refusing a blindfold as she is about to be executed as an American Spy in WWI.
In 1931 Marlene Dietrich played Agent X27 in a film called "Dishonored".
In 1939 Anna Neagle played the role of another spy in "Nurse Edith Cavell" - The real Edith Cavell was executed as a spy in WWI.
What about "Charlotte Gray"?
The Warner Brothers spy movie "Charlotte Gray" was more of a love story than a spy movie and Kate Blanchett did little spying and a lot of running around. However the BBC tells the stories of "The Real Charlotte Grays" on this interesting site. Real Charlotte Grays
More movies featuring Military Women:
Supplemental List
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