Military Women's Uniforms - Past and Present
Many visitors have requested uniform information so here's an overview.
Sorry - no larger images. I simply don't have the time, space, inclination, patience or attention span to go through all that. Remember this is a "no-pay-one-woman-band" operation.
When women fought "unofficially" in the Revolutionary War there were no uniforms for them to wear. Legend has it that Deborah Samson "tailored" a soldiers uniform to fit. It may have looked something like this - be advised that the operative word here is may. There were no cameras until 1839 so we have no real pictures:
During the Civil War women were not "authorized" in the military. Dr Mary Walker served as a contract surgeon and modified her uniform to include trousers under the skirt:
| |
Many young women disguised themselves as men and fought during the Civil War in uniform:
 | Nurses served aboard hospital ships during the Spanish American War < this is what they wore.
They also served in Havana, Cuba in the outfits on the right. |  |
In 1908 the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps came into being. The first twenty nurses wore this outfit: |
World War One - 1917-1918
The U.S. Navy Yeoman (F)
Winter blues
|  The Marine Corps
|  Navy Nurse Corps |
World War Two

WAC Issue: L-R: Service O.D., Utility Coat, Cotton Summer uniform, Work dress, Work uniform, Wool overcoat.
 Women Marines
|  WAVES - Navy
|  WACS - Army
|  SPARS Coast Guard
|  Navy Nurse Corps
WAC and WAF - '50s and '60s - "Models and Fashion Statements"
The '80s to the present - "On the Job Uniforms"
 USAF Missile Duty
|  Battle Dress Uniform
|  Coast Guard at sea
|  Navy Sea Duty
|  Marines on Parade
 USMC Ceremonial
|  Army -Maint.
|  Air Force -Medical
|  Navy Whites
|  Coast Guard
More uniforms, hats and "other stuff" we had to wear. Hats 'n stuff.
Please note: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
displayed without profit or payment for those who have expressed an
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. Photos and images are from the National Archives, The Naval History Center, The U.S. Army, USMC, U.S. Navy, USAF, U.S. Coast Guard, the Defense Visual Information Center, The Army Nurse Corps, and the personal collections of this author. Nothing on this site is for sale nor is it a commercial venture of any kind - it is a one person page for, and about military women - by one retired military woman.