Military women on land, at sea and in the air.
A U.S. Army medic from Indiana, is one of 3 soldiers representing all American soldiers on the cover of TIME magazine.
TIME named "The American Soldier" its 2003 Person of the Year.
Earlier this year Spc. Billie Grimes ran from her Humvee to tend two Time staffers injuries in Baghdad.
She is shown on the cover with Sgt. Marquette Whiteside, Ark. (left) and Ronald Buxton, Mo.(right)
Former POW Jessica Lynch christened the luxury
cruise ship Miracle recently in Jacksonville, Florida.
Outstanding commentary by Sheila Gibbons - "Military Women Deserve Better Coverage" on - Women's ENews
Excellent article -- Female Troops in Iraq Redefine Combat Rules -- by Mona Iskander on - Women's ENews
Great Article by Vernon Loeb about a "Combat Heroine" in the- Washington Post
Lt. Col. Martha McSally assumed Command of the 354th Fighter Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The squadron, which has been in action in both Iraq and Afghanistan, has 27 A/OA-10 attack jets and more than 60 pilots and crew members. Lt Col McSally is the Air Force's first female fighter squadron commander - the first active-duty female officer to lead an Air Force fighter squadron. In 1994, she was the first female Air Force pilot to fly combat missions. Capt. Christina Hopper poses in front of an F-16 Fighting Falcon. She won Good Housekeeping magazine's Woman in Government Award for 2003 and will be featured in the magazine's July edition. Captain Hopper is a pilot assigned to the 524th Fighter Squadron at Cannon AFB. Captain Hopper was deployed with her squadron in March 2003, when the war in Iraq started. She and the other squadron pilots were bombing targets the second day of the war.(USAF photo by A1C Dawn Kirton)
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM -- Tech. Sgt. Christine Bolle finds a shady spot to write to family and friends. She is a member of the 86th Expeditionary Contingency Response Group, which parachuted into and prepared an airfield in northern Iraq. (USAF photo by Tech. Sgt. Rich Puckett)
TOP GUNS U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Julie Ayres, Capt. Mary Melfi, and Capt. Tally Parham, three of the five female fighter pilots from the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, that flew in combat missions in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. USAF photo
KIRKUK AIR BASE, Iraq -- Airman 1st Class Clashena Riley scans the base perimeter here. Riley is deployed to the 506th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Charlein C. Sheets) U.S. Air Force Senior Airman KaetheJo Binder, with the 506th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, gathers weather information to brief inbound and outbound aircrews at Kirkuk Air Base, Iraq. USAF photo by Staff Sgt. James A. Williams Mineman Apprentice Sara Ruth Higgins, assigned to Mobile Mine Assembly Unit Eight (MOMAU-8) aboard the U.S. Naval Magazine, Guam, taps the threads on a simulated Mark 62 Quick Strike Mine to ensure a smooth fit of the arming mechanism.
Learn more... "Ladies Night Over Afghanistan"
Images of our military women
serving proudly over there.
F-16CJ fighter pilot Capt. Christina Szasz recently deployed to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, to help smooth the way for her unit, the 78th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron from Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. While at Incirlik, she flew her first combat missions -- Operation Northern Watch patrols over Iraq. Photo by Staff Sgt. Shannon Collins, USAF. ( more.)
Military policewoman Army Pvt. Eileen Schnetzka sits atop an up-armored Humvee with an M249 machine gun, safeguarding U.S. and coalition forces at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. Photo by Linda D. Kozaryn, AFPS. 1LT Tina Kroske from the 300th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment holds an infant in Kophisophi, Afghanistan during a Humanitarian/Medical Assistance mission. The Humanitarian/Medical assistance mission is a part of ongoing operations for Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Patrick Tharpe)
Medic on Patrol in Iraq...learn more.
More About Women on PatrolA mother of six, Army Sgt. Julia Fadell
drives heavy equipment transporters
in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
More about Sgt Fadell
Army Spc. Heather Baldus captures wanted Iraqui - read the story.
Iraq -- Tech. Sgt. Lisa Zunzanyika takes photographs of the sites and people in Iraq. Photographers have taken more than 5,000 photos and more than 239 of those images have been sent to the Joint Combat Camera Center at the Pentagon, where they are made available to the public. T Sgt. Zunzanyika is a photographer with the 447th Expeditionary Communications Squadron. SOUTHWEST ASIA -- Senior Airman Danielle Clark ties on a "neck cooler" as one way to beat the heat at her forward-deployed location. On some days, the temperature reaches 120 degrees. Users "charge" the neck coolers by soaking them in water. When wrapped around the neck, the water's evaporation helps cool the wearer's body. Each cooler contains gel that absorbs water and releases it slowly throughout the day. Airman Clark is a force-protection escort with the 379th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron. She is deployed from the 354th Services Squadron at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. USAF photo by SSgt. C. Todd Lopez
PFC Eva Hodge -
keeps tracks rolling in Iraq - read her story.Sgt Lisa Phillips -
Trucker and Gunner - read her story.
Outstanding coverage in
The Christian Science Monitor
Women Win Drill Competiton - more.
Military woman
wins Rifle Competiton - more.
After finding a woman hiding a Russion AK-47 machine gun,
U.S. Army Sgt. Nicola Hall, searches women in a southeastern Afghanistan village. (AP Photo)Sgt. Nicola Hall, 21st Military Police Company, and Cpl. Jill Osowski, 972nd MP Co., observe a vehicle during a presence patrol in Southeastern Afghanistan. They are two of the three female MPs conducting missions with infantry patrols in Afghanistan. Photo by Sgt. Reeba Critser, USA
![]() | SAY CHEESE - During a humanitarian aide mission by the U.S. Army, local civilians of As Samawa, Iraq, are happy to take a picture with a female U.S. soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Kyran V. Adams | ![]() | Navy Corpsman 1st Class Sylvia Wasden from Gulfport Miss., is stationed with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 . U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Aaron Ansarov |
![]() | CAMP RYAN, Kuwait -- With the new Department of Defense media embedding policy, Marines like Lance Cpl. Rhyan N. Little, a legal services specialist with Task Force Tarawa and native of Pensacola, Fl., can tell the world what their views are. Radio broadcaster Andrew North, with the British Broadcasting Corporation, said he is excited to work with Marines and be right next to the action. Photo by: Lance Cpl. Shawn C. Rhodes | ![]() | The Arabian Gulf (Mar 2003) -- Air Traffic Controller 3rd Class Samantha Sheran watches for returning AV-8B Harrier aircraft aboard USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6). The Bonhomme Richard is deployed to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the multi-national coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people and end the regime of Saddam Hussein. Navy photo by Photog. Mate 3rd Class Chris Reynolds. |
Air Force Academy Scandal Update
VA Answers Top 25 Questions - Key Information for Women Veterans New Gallup Poll shows Americans support combat roles for military women. Results Heroism Knows No Gender - Courageous Women in War The U.S. Flag - Fly it proudly but please fly it properly!! Respect our Flag DACOWITS Committeee members finally appointed! DACOWITS FBI Tip Site for reporting cowards disrupting America:
U.S. Army Pfc. Jodi Smith watches from the outer perimeter as detainees in orange jumpsuits sit in a holding area in Camp X-Ray at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, during in-processing to the temporary detention facility.
The Ultimate Irony
Taliban prisoners - who are the world's worst oppressors of women - are being guarded at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, by military women. The suspected terrorists are getting orders from female guards and medical treatment from women doctors at the temporary prison facility at Guantanamo Bay. There are over 1500 military personnel at the Naval Base and over 130 are military women - doing their jobs with no fanfare and working side by side with their contemporaries.
U.S. Coast Guard photo
Aviation Ordnance
work on a
laser guided bomb
on the USS Carl Vinson.
(U.S. Navy Photo)
Air Force member
readies for
USAF Photo
At home Air
National Guard
provides Airport
Security. USAF Photo
At sea aboard USS John F. Kennedy
Seaman Cassie Cassario signals the USNS Pecos
from the ship's hangar bay,
during a night time operation.
USN Photo
Air Force 1st Lt. Kate Gries, a B1-B bomber pilot, tells ABC television reporter Cokie Roberts and a Bertie Backus Middle School audience about being a bomber pilot and what freedom means to her during the April 30, 2002, "Celebration of Patriotism" Web cast from the school, in Washington, D.C. Lt. Kathryn "Kate" M. Gries, flew B1-B bomber combat missions over Afghanistan with the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron of Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho. Photo by Rudi Williams.
Jacqueline Fleck Kidd received the Purple Heart on Monday, January 14th
in a ceremony at Ft. Belvoir, Davidson Air Field for injuries sustained while
on duty as an Air Traffic Controller at the Pentagon Helipad on September 11th.
Kandahar, Afghanistan, Dec. 23, 2001 -
A U.S. Navy Chaplain performs a Sunday Catholic Mass for U.S. military personnel at a forward operating base in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The Marine Corps integrates Navy chaplains and medical personnel into the Marine Corps component of the Navy-Marine Corps team. U.S. military personnel are in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.
U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Johnny Bivera.
At sea aboard USS Carl Vinson, Nov. 13, 2001 -
Electronic Warfare Technicians keep a sharp watch at their
anti-ship missile defense positions aboard the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson .
Vinson and her battle group are supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Martin S. Fuentes.
At sea aboard USS Carl Vinson, Oct. 13, 2001 - An Aviation Ordnanceman aboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and assigned to "Warhawks" of Strike Fighter Squadron Ninety-Seven (VFA-97) signals her crew to prepare aircraft for arming. Carl Vinson and its carrier air wing are conducting strikes against terrorist training camps and Taliban military installations in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom. U. S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Kerryl Cacho.
At sea aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt, Oct. 28, 2001 - An Aviation Survival Equipmentman onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) checks the gear of a Naval aviator as she suits up for a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Theodore Roosevelt and its carrier airwing are participating in Operation Enduring Freedom. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Eric A. Clement.
"O" Magazine features "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEWOMAN"
Almost a year before the events of September 11,
terrorists bombed the U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors.
Somehow, Lt. Commander Deborah Courtney managed to keep
her head above water, oil, fire, smoke and pandemonium.
Cathleen Medwick reports the story here:"O" magazine
Lt Cmdr Courtney
Col. Rhonda Cornum
was featured in
the US News & World Report
Special Issue on Heroes.
Archived here online.
September Legion Magazine
recognizes military women.
Excellent article by Jay Stuller
but not available online.
Columnist's "Weapon of Choice"
The Water Cooler Quotidian commentary
- or how quisling columnists twist the truth -
and the wonderfully stated reply from a career soldier.
The Associated Press ran a feature story on women pilots on Oct 24th:
"Women pilots flying combat missions over Afghanistan with little or no fanfare The Associated Press ABOARD THE USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (AP) After flying an attack mission on Afghanistan Tuesday, Lt. j.g. Sara said she didn't think she and other women pilots should be singled out for attention or that what she was doing was historic. Indeed, little attention has been focused on women fighter pilots and weapons' officers during the war on terrorism, even though it is only the second major U.S. military campaign since the Navy decided to allow women to fly combat aircraft in 1993. Kosovo was the first. "I've never thought that it was a big deal that I was an aviator, I just go out there and do my job," Sara, the 25-year-old from Billings, Mont., said. "I don't like to see women singled out, basically." For security reasons she can only be identified by her first name and her call-sign, "Goalie." Sara, who was surprised by media requests to interview her, said she is proud of the example the United States has set by allowing her to fly combat missions. During the 1991 Gulf War, women sailors flew combat support missions, earning a lot of press coverage and sparking debate about women in combat, especially after a woman helicopter pilot was captured by Iraqi forces. Now women fly the most advanced fighter aircraft, bombing Taliban and al-Qaida targets while under anti-aircraft fire."
At sea aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt, Oct. 17, 2001 - Air Traffic Controllers aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) work together as a team to safely direct the aircraft assigned to Carrier Air Wing One (CVW 1) as they arrive or depart from the airspace near the ship. Roosevelt and her embarked carrier air wing have joined other Navy carrier battle groups in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jeremy Hall.
An Air Force crew member "tweaks" the signal during broadcast on a recent training mission aboard an EC- 130 "Commando Solo II" aircraft. The Commando Solo is flown by the 193rd Special Operations Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard. Photo by Master Sgt. David Hawkins, USAF. At any time of the day or night, an Air Force Special Operations Command EC-130E Commando Solo II is in the area of operations and broadcasting news and information to the Afghan people.
Landing a helicopter on a heaving aircraft carrier in the dark guided by night vision goggles is a piece of cake compared to confronting game show host Anne Robinson. Lieutenant Julie Antonacci, a 31-year-old US Navy pilot currently serving aboard the USS Peleliu somewhere in the Arabian Sea as part of support for the Afghanistan offensive, became the Smartest Link recently and left with a $45,000 win on NBC's "The Weakest Link".
Also on TV:
Gunnery Sergeant Annette L. Taylor, U. S. Marine Corps, participated in the first Reality Television Show "Boot Camp" for an eight week run in the United States and Abroad affiliates (Japan/Europe) for Fox television network. Sgt. Taylor was elected to perform duties as a female Drill Instructor for the contestants (male/female). at Camp Blanding Army Reserve Base in Florida.
At sea aboard USS Carl Vinson, Nov. 4, 2001 - Aviation Machinist's Mates from the "Dragonfires" of Sea Control Squadron Twenty Nine (VS-29) replace a jet engine in an S-3B Viking aircraft in the hangar bay on board USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). Carl Vinson and her airwing are part of Operation Enduring Freedom. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Greg Messier.
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Unless otherwise noted content © 1996 to date by Captain Barbara A. Wilson, USAF (Ret)