Impressive Philadelphia Mural Includes Military Nurses

At the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2002 Biennial Convention in Philadelphia the city's first Nursing Mural was displayed on the corner of Broad and Cherry streets. The mural was initiated by the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau's Nursing Committee of the Greater Philadelphia Health Care Congress, The Independence Foundation and 16 nursing alumni associations in the Philadelphia area.
A nursing advisory panel worked with the Philadelphia Department of Recreation Mural Arts Program on the concept of the mural, which was created by local artist, Sam Donovan.
The mural complements the American Nurses Association's convention theme, Nurses Care for America, by honoring some of the nation's greatest nurses, including Helen Fairchild, Mary Ann Krisman-Scott and Walt Whitman, said ANA President Mary E. Foley, MS, RN. "We are thrilled to see the nursing profession honored by Philadelphia in such a significant way."
Nurse Helen Fairchild, pictured on the first panel at right, died overseas while serving in World War I.

Picture found in an old
magazine "Our Nation's Roll of Honor, WWI Servicemen
who died
fighting for their country. 1918, Honored Dead." Thanks to Mollie Story.
For a very personal glimpse of this brave nurse please visit A Tribute to Helen Fairchild
The second panel from the right depicts Mary Ann Krisman-Scott, PhD, MSN, RN, in uniform, as she served as a nurse in Vietnam. Dr Scott is on the faculty at the University of South Forida, and the author of several books.

Unless otherwise noted contents © 1996 to 2006 by Captain Barbara A. Wilson, USAF (Ret)