WWII "Bild-A-Set" Military Dolls

WWII Military Paper Dolls
WWII Recruiting Poster
1943 - S. Savage's - America's Heroes
First WAVE Director Captain McAfee Time 1945
 WAAC Poster
 Army Nurse Corps
WAF Recruiting brochure - '50s.

Military women, active duty, retired, veterans, short-timers, lifers, regulars, reserves, guard or affiliates like CAP, USCG, academy students, or whatever, you are invited to join us here. We'll list your home page, e-mail address if you wish, and your branch of service. Only by net-working can we keep the information flowing and awareness in the spotlight. Simply e-mail me the URL and it will be posted. Here's the beginning, in no particular order, of what we hope will be a long list...and also some military women's memorabilia to view.
 The Women's Army Corps Veterans Association - an organization with a purpose. WACVA
Army Women's Professional Association
The Women Marines Association has a brand new web site:
Women Marines Association
The WAF Band. Visit their web site to find out more - and to learn more about this great group of Women in the Air Force who served as military musicians - many of whom are still playing.
WAF Band
Louise Hoover (Dufresne) A.K.A. Weezie. United States Army during Grenada '83-'85 US Army Vet
The Navy Nurse Corps Association can be found at NNCA
Exciting new site for Vietnam Women Veterans
Timely, well written and a "must visit" for a number of reasons:
Tracy's Passion Page: Women in the Military
Tracy -You Go Girl!!!
WOPA -Supporting motivated Sea Service officers since 1978, the Women Officers Professional Association, supports the
professional development of its members and serves as a forum of information about the Sea Services (Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard).
Karen Chambliss, Petaluma, California,
SFC, USAR, Retired,Veteran US Army(RA-WAC)
A disabled, but very active, Woman Marine, Veronica, with an excellent site
Sharon Daughtery, USANG
Sarah Sampels, Crescent City, CA. SSG USAR (RA WAC) ssamples@telis.org
Robin Sloan, USA Veteran
Taking Action
US Navy Veteran
Veteran To Veteran
Cindy Barth Wilson (Silberblatt), LCDR, USN (Ret.)
email: cwilson@idsonline.com
Army Reserve
Mary Ann Humphrey
The Good Doctor
Marine Corps
Carol Gilliam
Lady Leatherneck
Air National Guard
In Rhode Island
WAVES Organization
WAVES National
Cindy A. Joannes USN, & USN Reserves (Ret.)
Jefferson City, MO
Debby's Page
USMC Disabled Vietnam Era Veteran
Women Veterans Ring (Ringmistress)
E-mail debbyp@psouth.net
Agatha L. Desmond
WAC 1966-1969 Signal Corp.
e-mail - aggielu@aol.com
Glori Euwer
USAF 1980-1993, USAFR 1993- PRES.
Chief Cook's Home Port
YNC Peg Cook, USNR-R
E-Mail: nanny@netonecom.net
Wendi Goodman
An Army retiree, SSG, and retired in Sep '94 as a 71L34. Was
stationed in Hanau & Vilseck Germany, Ft Wood, Ft Carson, Peoria
Recruiting Bn, University of New Mexico in Albuquerque & University of
Illinios-Chicago with Cadet Command.
e-mail: wlg@swbell.net
Carmen Rae ( Wolf ) Bennett
ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO Formerly Minneapolis ( Apple Valley ) Minnesota
E-Mail - MamaCat14@aol.com
WAC Vet Vietnam -Era
ACTIVE DUTY : 4 April 67 - 22 October 1968
RESERVE DUTY: May 72 - 74 ; September 79 - 81
BASIC AND AIT: Fort McClellan Alabama
MOS: clerk typist
1st Permanent Duty Station: Fort Myer VA WAC Detachment
Assigned to the Pentagon (DCSPER ) Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
2nd PD Station: Fort Leavenworth Kansas WAC Detachment
Assigned to Base Housing office
Honorably Discharged 22 October 1968 from Active Duty due to pregnancy.
If anyone else was discharged due to pregnancy, please e-mail me.
F. Raelani Azada
US Army, 1982-1988
Email: raelani@wahine.net
Karen L. Thompson
SP4 - 572nd MP Co.
Ft. Ritchie, MD
4/72 through 12/75
email: klt@realestateoregon.com
Sgt G. Susan Pope-Benjamin
email: Pope500@aol.com
Retired USMC Lt Col Robin Higgins outstanding pages on many issues - the most poignant one being the death of her Marine Corps husband at the hands of terrorists. A must visit for all.

Detail from a painting by D.J.Neary USMCR
An absolute "must visit" - the artwork is exquisite!
Marine Corps Art by LtCol D.J. Neary, USMCR
Heritage Studio
Some interesting new Navy women's sites:
The All Navy Women's National Alliance:
ANWNA Home Page
Barber Point WAVES' Home
WAVES National MI Unit 32 -Michigan Unit 32