How To Find a Woman Veteran
Unfortunately I have no access to military records, locators, or databases and cannot begin to answer the many requests I get for information about family members who were, or are, women in the military. And because this is simply a personal home page, a locator system is not possible. However there are some ways to try and find some background on a friend or family member who was in the U.S. military. Here are a few hints, tips and places to look.
WIMSA, the Women in Military Service Memorial, has a page called "In Search Of". There you may post a message with the veterans name and whatever information you have. It is at In Search.
Military Woman, is an excellent site with a wealth of information and has several message boards where you may post requests. You'll find it at Military Woman
Looking for "Women Who Served in Vietnam" - visit this excellent site:
Minerva. If you are looking for historical data you may want to wander through the discussion threads on the Minerva site. Go to Women in War
Many of you write seeking relatives or friends, active or retired. Try this -
Link for Finding Military Personnel
For more generalized information - i.e. not specifically women in the military, try some of the following:
The National VETS Archives offers a search service to assist in locating military veterans. The site charges a $15 fee to perform a comprehensive search.
The National Personnel Records Centernow a part of the National Archives, contains military-personnel, health and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services. Their web site has a form which you can use to obtain your records. Click on National Personnel Records above.
Old Buddies, Pals, Shipmates, Families and Friends - An organization which
maintains a database of current and former
military members who have registered in order to help veterans and retirees find each other.
And if contacting the U.S. Congress is a hassle for you, this excellent site Congressional E-mail will get you through to your representative with ease...even those who do not yet have e-mail.
Please note: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
displayed without profit or payment for those who have expressed an
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. Nothing on this site is for sale nor is it a commercial venture of any kind - it is a one person page for and about military women - by one retired military woman.

Unless otherwise noted content © 1996 to 2007 by Captain Barbara A. Wilson, USAF (Ret)