"The Remarkable Women of the American Revolution" reveals how women served their young country in many different ways. From the first soldier - Deborah Samson - to the First Lady - Martha Washington - their stories are told in an easy to follow style. |
"The Courageous Women of the Civil War" takes the reader on a journey with the real women who did everything from nursing to spying and even fighting disguised as men. Karen Zeinert explores the heroic deeds of the women from both the north and south during this conflict which divided a nation. |  |
 | "The Extraordinary Women of World War I" features the accomplishments of women as nurses, journalists, Signal Corps operators at the front and factory workers at home. It also recognizes the war's effect on the struggle for women's rights and the beginnings of women in the military. |
"Those Incredible Women of World War II" tells the story of the heroic - and not recognized - women pilots, as well as that of the women who served in uniform as WACs, WAVES, and Women Marines. Women journalists at the front lines are featured as are the defense workers who kept war production going. |  |
"The Valiant Women of the Vietnam War" by Karen Zeinert is everything from an excellent overview to a behind the scenes look at both sides of the controversy at home. Covering military women, journalists, volunteers and "for and against" organizations this book will definitely help young readers understand more about the Vietnam War.
Above images courtesy of and © by The Millbrook Press and Lerner Books
In the 1940s, a group of daring young women did something women were not
expected to do - they flew military fighter planes and bombers.
They were the WASP - Women Airforce
Service Pilots - the first women to fly for the
United States Armed Forces.
"Yankee Doodle Girls" - women pilots of WWII - by Amy Nathan, tells the story of these World War II pioneers. You'll meet several WASP
who were interviewed especially for this book. It also offers tips on
becoming a pilot, with suggestions from today's women pilots, including NASA
astronaut Colonel Eileen Collins, USAF, who explains how grateful she is
to the WASP for helping to open the skies for women. |

Amy Nathan has done it again! In her recent book "Count on US" - American Women in the Military, she tells the story of women who served in a smooth and easy reading style. Giving young readers just enough information to whet their appetites for more Ms. Nathan takes the reader from the Revolutionary War to the present in a delightful flow replete with pictures that enhance the telling. A must for both teachers and students who need to know that "women were there!"

And the newest by Amy Nathan is a story every youngster should read!
This book for young readers tells of Sarah Keys Evans, an unsung Civil Rights hero, who, as a young woman in the Women's Army Corps in the summer of 1952, did what Rosa Parks did three years before Rosa Parks. Wonderfully told and easy to read for all ages this story needs to be in every classroom and every library - thank you Amy Nathan for bringing it to light.
Please note: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
displayed without profit or payment for those who have expressed an
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. Nothing on this site is for sale nor is it a commercial venture of any kind - it is a one person page for, and about military women - by one retired military woman.